

ATP 20 (EU regulation 2023/1435)

Update of Annex VI of the CLP by revising the harmonised classifications of boron compounds and 2-ethylhexanoic acid (2-EHA) and its salts. These new classifications will apply from 1 February 2025.


ATP 19 (EU regulation 2023/1434)

Notes have been added to Annex 6.

These are Notes 11 and 12 relating to the additivity of the hazard for reproductive toxicity. Note 11 is specific to Borates and Note 12 applies to 2-EHA and may also be assigned to other substances. These notes inform us that the classification of mixtures as toxic for reproduction is mandatory when the sum of the concentrations of the different substances in the mixture placed on the market is equal to or greater than 0.3%.

Note X applicable to 2-EHA indicates that the classification is based solely on the hazardous properties linked to the common structure of the substances. The substances covered by this note must therefore be self-classified to take account of the hazards linked to the structural functions.


Publication of Regulation 2023/707 amending Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008

This regulation concerns the hazard classes and criteria for the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures. New hazard classes and criteria have been introduced for environmental toxicity, persistence, mobility and bioaccumulation.

New EUH phrases have also been introduced:

EUH380: May cause endocrine disruption in humans

EUH381: Suspected of causing endocrine disruption in humans

EUH430: May cause endocrine disruption in the environment

EUH431: Suspected of causing endocrine disruption in the environment

EUH440: Accumulates in the environment and in living organisms, including humans

EUH441: Highly accumulative in the environment and in living organisms, including humans.

EUH450: May cause long-term diffuse contamination of water resources

EUH451: May cause very long-term diffuse contamination of water resources

This new regulation will be compulsorily applicable on 1 May 2025 for substances and on 1 May 2026 for mixtures. There will be a transition period for substances and mixtures already on the market on the above dates.

For substances this will be 18 months, for mixtures 2 years.


ATP 18 (EU regulation 2022/692)

Annex VI has been updated to include substances for which opinions on harmonised classification and labelling were adopted by the Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) in 2020. It adds 39 new entries, revises 17 and deletes one. This regulation will apply from 23 November 2023.